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emotional abuse

Emotional abuse is one of the hardest forms of abuse to identify. It can be overt or covert, but the ends with the same results. Used as a form of control, emotional manipulation follows the cycle of abuse. It is usually ongoing, until something inevitably stops the cycle, usually either the victim being discarded or choosing to leave.


Victims usually lose their entire sense of self, without any physical sign of abuse. They become unable to see themselves realistically. Things may seem like a dream, even long after the abuse ends. Many survivors attest that the scars from emotional abuse last much longer, and are much deeper than those caused by physical abuse.


Includes: gaslighting, name calling, criticism, verbal abuse, accusations, isolation, manipulation, dismissing, invalidating, projection, drama, walking on eggshells, condescending, withholding, lying / denial, possessiveness, etc.

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