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Recovering from Abuse

the recovery process

Abuse Recovery, Total Devastation
Abuse Recovery, Total Denial
Abuse Recovery, Education and Self Doubt

What's Actually Happening?

Totally debilitating.

There's no way around it, you just have to go through it.


Something new every day.

With the struggle not to go numb, you go into overdrive.

The Awakening

Beginning to heal.

You'll start to look for answers, and connect the dots.

Abuse Recovery, Starting to Understand
Abuse Recovery, Rage
Abuse Recovery, Depression

Waking Up

It's all making sense.

With understanding comes an eery sense of calm. It's all starting to come together.

This One's Gunna Hurt

With knowledge comes anger.

Who wouldn't be mad after being manipulated?

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The Overwhelming Sadness

When hope seems distant.

Your entire routine and lifestyle has just been uprooted. What do you do now?

Abuse Recovery, Healing

It's a Bright New Day

The possibility of tomorrow.

You'll start to come to terms with what happened to you. You begin to have hope for change.

Abuse Recovery, Self Discovery

A New Life

Every day is a new day.

You've accepted what happened, and have been able to forgive.

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