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Traits of an Abuser

the traits of an abuser

the sociopath

a sociopath has a personality disorder that manifests itself as extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior, and has a general lack of conscience.

disregard for the feelings of others, charismatic, calculates their actions, narcissistic, antagonizing, paranoid, impulsive, lack of empathy, doesn't ever find the need to apologize, highly manipulative, neglectful of priorities, secretive, doesn't care about right or wrong, compulsive liar, substance abuse, has difficulty following the rules, violent behavior, no feelings of guilt or shame, authoritarian

About the Sociopath

the narcissist

a narcissist is a person with an inflated sense of importance, the need for attention and admiration who exhibits a lack of empathy and often has trouble in relationships.

inflated self-perception, charismatic, creates drama, exaggerates achievements and talents, reacts with rage or contempt, jealous, conceited, one-sided conversations, self-centered, entitled, situational beliefs, preoccupied with fantasies about power and success, resentful, highly dominant, controlling, inauthentic, issues dealing with criticism, takes advantage of others

About the Narcissist

the psychopath

a psychopath is a person who lacks conscience and empathy, with manipulative, volatile (but by no means always) criminal traits.

glib, grandiose sense of self, sexual promiscuity, manipulative, pathological liar, lack of remorse or guilt, callousness, lack of empathy, shallow emotions, need for stimulation, poor behavior control, lack of realistic long-term goals, parasitic lifestyle, a tendency of boredom, impulsive, failure to accept responsibility, superficial charm

About the Psychopath
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